"What's up Family, it's Pastor Dre!"

Run 4 Hope: Empowering Change, One Step at a Time

What is Run 4 Hope?

I'm excited to share with you an incredible opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of people around the world who are struggling with addiction, violence, and exploitation.

Victory Outreach is putting your dollars to work now – doing the most in every community worldwide to help restore lives from the downward spiral of drug addiction, gang violence, prostitution, and reunite families – ripped apart – by these perils.

By sponsoring me, you will be helping to bring hope to a young person trapped in a cycle of addiction, to a family torn apart by gang violence, or to a woman desperate to escape the grip of prostitution. 


As you know, I'm passionate about spreading the message and hope of Jesus Christ to those who need it most.

That's why I'm participating in the "Do What You Love" fundraiser, benefiting Victory Outreach, a organization that's dedicated to restoring lives and reuniting families torn apart by drug addiction, gang violence, and prostitution.

Before I share on how you can sponsor me, please check out some testimonies of lives that have been changed at Victory Outreach.


By sponsoring me in this event, you'll be supporting Victory Outreach's tireless efforts to bring hope and transformation to communities worldwide. Your contribution will help provide:

* Life-changing programs for individuals struggling with addiction
* Safe havens for those escaping gang violence and exploitation
* Counseling and support for families torn apart by these perils

More Testimonies

Every dollar counts, and with your support, we can make a tangible impact in the lives of countless individuals and families. Your sponsorship will help bring the love and hope of Jesus Christ to those who need it most.

Will you join me in this effort to bring restoration and redemption to a hurting world? Sponsor me today and let's make a difference together!

Click the link to sponsor me now: https://r4h.victoryoutreach.org/Home/Profile/115549

Thank you for your generosity and support. Together, we can bring hope and transformation to a world in need!"

2 Sponsorship Options

Option #1

Direct sponsorship:

100% of your sponsorship will go directly to Run 4 Hope.

Option #2

Promotion Package: ( I will compile a Run 4 Hope Promo pack for you)

50% of the proceeds will go to "Do What You Love"

What is included in the Promotion Pack:

Custom QR Code

QR Code Printed on Hoodie or TShirt

Custom Run 4 Hope Landing Page

Sample landing page at hope.pastordre.com